Network Security

Unweaving A Complex Web of Threats | Understanding Today’s Cyber Attacker Interdependency

The dynamics of cyber threats have taken on a new level of complexity, driven by the escalating interdependency among various types of threat actors. In a thriving cybercrime-as-a-service (CaaS) economy, attackers are sharing their malicious tradecraft through readily available kits and tools and collaborating efficiently by leveraging shared services conveniently accessible on the dark web. …

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From Conti to Akira | Decoding the Latest Linux & ESXi Ransomware Families

The evolution of the ransomware landscape has seen a shift from the more traditional approach involving Windows payloads to ones targeting other platforms, most notably Linux. In this shift, ransomware operators are shortening the time gaps between different payload releases and bringing feature parity across diverse platforms. Strategically dipping into code from well known ransomware families …

From Conti to Akira | Decoding the Latest Linux & ESXi Ransomware Families Read More »

Cyber Attacks on Financial Institutions | Why Banks Are Caught in the Crosshairs

In recent years, there has been a significant uptick in the frequency and sophistication of attacks on the financial and banking industry. The following statistics illustrate the current breadth and depth of cyber attacks by various types of threat actors on financial entities: Financial institutions were the second most impacted sector based on the number …

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XLoader’s Latest Trick | New macOS Variant Disguised as Signed OfficeNote App

XLoader is a long-running malware-as-a-service infostealer and botnet that has been around in some form or another since 2015. Its first macOS variant was spotted in 2021 and was notable for being distributed as a Java program. As we noted at the time, the Java Runtime Environment hasn’t shipped by default on macOS since the …

XLoader’s Latest Trick | New macOS Variant Disguised as Signed OfficeNote App Read More »

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Cybersecurity – Week 33

The Good | DigiHeals Aims to Boost Resilience of Healthcare Sector to Fight Off Cyber Attacks The healthcare sector has borne a particularly tough brunt of attacks over the last few years as ransomware-wielding cybercriminals have sought easy-pickings from often-under-resourced public services. Good news this week, then, as the Biden-Harris administration’s ARPA-H project has launched …

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Cybersecurity – Week 33 Read More »

The New Frontline of Geopolitics | Understanding the Rise of State-Sponsored Cyber Attacks

The rise of nation-state cyber attacks has become a defining feature of modern geopolitics. With blurred lines between advanced persistent threats (APTs) and cybercrime, understanding this complex landscape has become a critical element in building a strong cybersecurity strategy. According to recent reports on the rise of state-sponsored cyber attacks, nation-state actors targeting critical infrastructures …

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Announcing Threat Detection for Amazon S3 | AI-Powered Data Protection

SentinelOne recently announced the launch of the new Singularity Cloud Data Security product line to help customers gain visibility and provide protection for their cloud data, storage, downstream applications, and users from risks associated with unscanned files. Threat Protection for NetApp provides protection for NetApp arrays, and Threat Detection for Amazon S3, which will be …

Announcing Threat Detection for Amazon S3 | AI-Powered Data Protection Read More »

CVE-2021-44228: Staying Secure – Apache Log4j Vulnerability

Executive Summary A new critical remote code execution vulnerability in Apache Log4j2, a Java-based logging tool, is being tracked as CVE-2021-44228. Further vulnerabilities in the Log4j library, including CVE-2021-44832 and CVE-2021-45046, have since come to light, as detailed here. Major services and applications globally are impacted by these vulnerabilities due to the prevalence of Log4j2’s …

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