Network Security

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Cybersecurity – Week 31

The Good | High-Severity Flaws Patched in Firefox and Chrome Updates Browsers are our windows to the internet and due to both their ubiquity and the amount of information they collect, they are often prime targets for threat actors, so there’s good news for Firefox and Chrome users this week as new security patches have …

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AD Security Assessments and Attack Paths | How to Achieve Greater Visibility

Active Directory (AD) has become a primary target for attackers launching identity-centric attacks. Fortunately, there are several tools available to help enterprise security teams get clearer visibility into their Active Directory instances and address any vulnerabilities they uncover. One popular tool in use by analysts is Attack Path graphs, which can be used to show …

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Mac Admins | Why Apple’s Silent Approach to Endpoint Security Should be a Wake-Up Call

If there’s one thing that everyone should be able to agree on about Apple, it is that the company really does think different when it comes to the design of its products, and this is nowhere more obvious than in the company’s approach to endpoint security. Users will find no Defender-like security center built into …

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The Nightmare Of Destructive Malware | From Wiper To SwiftSlicer

In partnership with vx-underground, SentinelOne recently ran its first Malware Research Challenge, in which we asked researchers across the cybersecurity community to submit their research to showcase their talents and bring their insights to a wider audience. In today’s guest post, researcher Natacha Bakir (Senthorus/Cefcys) digs into the destructive world of wipers: a special class …

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Cybersecurity – Week 30

The Good | SEC Says Cyber Incidents Must Be Disclosed Within 4 Days The Securities and Exchange Commission has announced that it is adopting new rules that will require companies to disclose cyberattacks within four days. In a press release on Wednesday, the SEC said the new rules require “registrants to disclose material cybersecurity incidents …

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Understanding the Evolution of Modern Business Email Compromise Attacks

Business email compromise (BEC) exploits the main common denominator found across every technology, tool, and process – the humans that interact with it. Taking advantage of human decision making habits and emotions, BEC has remained one of the most lucrative attack methods seen in today’s cyber threat landscape. This May, the FBI issued a public …

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Announcing AI-Powered Threat Detection for NetApp

SentinelOne is pleased to announce general availability (GA) of Threat Detection for NetApp. Part of the new Singularity Cloud Data Security product line, this novel security solution applies SentinelOne’s proprietary AI models to scan files and detect malware stored on NetApp arrays, stopping its spread before it begins. Supported as part of the NetApp Partner …

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